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Permanent link to archive for Monday, February 24, 2003. Monday, February 24, 2003

James Duff shows shows how to add RSS 2.0 <comments> to a Movable Type feed. Bing! 

A picture named moore.gifNew high-water mark today on, 1731 weblogs, at 11:06:52 AM. People sometimes ask what the high-water mark is. Look at the page. See the numbers down the left side. The highest that number has ever been, since the inception of, is 1731. There was a point when I thought 100 was a lot. Now it's creeping up on 2000. By the time it gets to 10,000 it will be unusable and we'll need to have a new approach to change notification. By then I think the idea of a desktop web server, like the one in Radio, will be common place, and we'll have a proxy server in there, and the software will be able to show you updates for weblogs that you have clicked on a lot in the past. Basically the software will be able to learn as you go. In order to get that you will need something like Radio on your desktop, or pay someone to run a server for you, or wait until Moore's Law makes 200 gigahertz CPUs for under $1000. After cleaning out my garage this weekend, I have no doubt we're going there. In the 80s I would have been surprised at how big and fast today's machines are, and I was an optimist back then.  

A picture named brin.gifBTW, speaking of, way back in December (seems like a lifetime ago) at the SuperNova conference, Sergey Brin from Google asked if there was a way to tap into the flow of changes on There is. Lots of cool stuff has been built on changes.xml. It's updated every minute of every day. Then and now, competitor or not, it would be an honor to help Google find the newly changed weblogs. 

This weekend I'll be at the Stanford Spectrum Conference.  

Don Park: Rebooting the Examiner with P2P Journalism

Lance Knobel: "Demos, one of the most interesting policy think tanks in the UK, has created a weblog for its staff to note ideas and developments, called the Greenhouse." 

Maybe the skirt story was a hoax. 

I've heard people say they don't like self-indulgent weblogs, where people talk about feelings, so if you're one of those, look the other way. Today a huge wave of regret swamped me; about leaving California, selling the house, moving east. My friends, my habits, the things I got so bored with, all of a sudden seemed so dear. Nothing more to say. I'm sure it will pass, and the excitement will return, but today was a sad, rainy, sweetly melancholy day. 

A picture named littlebsod.gifPaolo: "It's amazing how stable Windows become without more Microsoft code running on top of it." That's exactly my experience. Windows itself is stable, but the server junk they throw on top of it blue screens, probably because MS engineers don't feel that they have to follow the rules, and they have access to the OS source code. We don't have access, so our code may crash, but it doesn't bring the system down with it.  

Doug Fox reviews Alan Meckler's new weblog. 

Jamie Lewis of The Burton Group has a weblog. 

Slashdot on blogging from a cellphone. 

A picture named valenti.gifNY Times: "Mr. Valenti has long raged against the illegality of the swapping of unauthorized copies of movies by students on college campuses. But in a speech to Duke University law students today, he plans to shift his emphasis to more basic principles: 'duty, service, honor, integrity, pity, pride, compassion, sacrifice,' according to a preliminary text of the speech." 

Valenti's case might make some sense to honorable people if he worked for a moral industry. But it's built around a lie, which he repeats often -- that we're taking money out of the mouths of artists if we don't pay for the music we use. We've already figured out that almost no money goes to the artists. If you reform your industry, your moral appeal might have some weight with honest people. 

Thanks to Jake Savin and Jeff Cheney for helping load up dumpster #2 yesterday. Later today I'll order the third and last one. The garage is totally empty. I ended up keeping about five boxes of stuff from a big two-car garage loaded to the rafters with the detritus of 23 years in Silicon Valley. 

A triumph for weblogs? 

Steve MacLaughlin: "Some bloggers think this is a big win for weblogging. As if Google's acquisition of Blogger should be viewed as a triumph for the weblogging medium. It's not. It's just one company deciding they can take out the little guy for some printed paper, and the little guy gets released from his silicon handcuffs. It's just another company that you thought was different proving that they're just like all the other sell outs."

My comment. Steve, anyone who knows anything about Silicon Valley knew that Google would be no different. John Doerr, a man who I consider a friend, is in the business of IPOs. He doesn't back companies for the good of the Internet, although I'm sure he doesn't mind if they are good for the Internet. But that's not why he invests. You never heard of Google before he gave them $25 million to buy all those great servers. They are going public, for sure, with the hottest IPO since Netscape (another Doerr deal), as soon as the market is receptive. I've tried to be straight about this, for a long time, but people didn't want to hear it. Part of the weblog phenomenon is opening up the back rooms so they're visible to the public. I've been an insider in the Valley since I arrived in Sept 1979. I had no illusions about Google. They were and are a wonderful search engine. Larry and Sergey are great technologists and entrepreneurs. And then as they grow, they hire out of the general talent pool of Silicon Valley, and become just like all the other companies here that you've heard of, that have come and gone. It's all one big thing.

W2K server issue 

We're burning in a new installation of Frontier 9 on a Windows 2000 server at Harvard, and after running for a while the server starts refusing requests. I have not seen this behavior before on other systems. Here's a narrative.

1. I tried to refresh the home page and got an error.

2. I tried again, and it worked.

3. I tried again and it failed.

4. I quit Frontier and restarted it.

5. Frontier's internal server didn't initialize. When I tried to do it manually I got this error: Can't bind to listen stream because TCP/IP error code 10048 -- Address already in use. This is the key to the problem. What does this mean? Is some other program using some resource that Frontier needs? When I quit Frontier did it fail to release a resource?

6. I tried quitting and restarting Frontier again. Same error.

7. At this point the server is not responding at all. So restarted the machine.

8. It worked, the server is taking hits again.

Now, obviously I'm not going to be able to restart the machine whenever it gets in this loop.

Has anyone seen this error before? Any ideas what the cause is? A workaround?

Praise Murphy!

Your humble servant,



After I posted the note above, I did a search for the error message, and the top item was a thread on the Radio UserLand discussion group from a smart user who had exactly the same problem. Jake suggested a fix that worked. Net-net, next time this situation rears its ugly head on the Harvard server, we will try the fix in Frontier and see if it helps. If so, I'll add a startup script that makes sure user.inetd.listens is empty, and we can move on to the next deal-stopper.

Jason Levine hit the same problem, saying it was a "socket pooling" issue with IIS, and found a workaround. It's possible the whole thing could be nabbed by turning off IIS on the Harvard machine. I don't want IIS in the loop in any way. There's a possible difference between this server and the servers that UserLand runs.


It turns out IIS was running on that machine.

We turned it off.

That should nail it.


Last update: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 4:17 AM Eastern.

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